For Brands & Startup

We find perfectly matched celebrity partners with the right blend of global influence, brand synergy, and shared interests. We offer an inside track to elite influencers that money simply can’t buy.

While startups see the benefits of celebrity and influencer endorsement, it’s a challenge to find the right connections and the right offer to generate interest. In fact, smarter CEOs already know that it takes more than a great deal to create a relationship.

To truly accelerate growth, partnerships need to be based on shared passion, inspiring new ideas, and a mutual sense of what’s possible. It’s this synergy that celebrities and influencers value above one dimensional, profit focused partnerships.

It’s a meeting of minds.

By carefully selecting startups and matching them with influencers with the same vision for the future, we can nurture long term relationships. It’s about connecting people on the same wavelength and creating the right conditions for collaboration.

Our network of contacts includes influencers from the sports, music, fashion, movie and entertainment industries as well private, non-celebrity investors. We work hard to find potential partners that can bring more to the table.

We also offer business development, linking brands, companies and celebrities to drive growth beyond what is normally possible with online marketing. It’s about boosting awareness and using networks of fans to create a buzz.

We go beyond traditional endorsement, investment and sponsorship to create extraordinary partnerships.

let’s work on your passion

We create together with passionate people unique experiences.

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